Studio Dog Photography
Many people think that studio dog photography sessions are all about capturing perfect, statue-like poses of animals. But let me tell you, it’s usually a lot more fun (and a bit chaotic)! Picture this: me and the pet owners working together, armed with treats, toys, and lots of praise, trying to keep our furry friends focused for just a second.
It can take a bit of patience, and we often have to reset a few times as pets get a little too excited or wander off. But the best part? Watching those cute doggies finally relax and start to express their playful selves. Seeing them enjoy the session and capture their true personalities is so rewarding! It’s all about having fun together and creating special memories celebrating the unique bond between pets and their owners.
Otis Pawsome Photoshoot
Meet Otis, the adorable 3-year-old sprocker dog who paid a visit to my Somerset studio for a pawsome photo shoot! Otis, with his black fur and white chest, is a real mommy’s boy. At first, he wasn’t too thrilled about the camera and found it a bit scary, but with lots of patience and tasty treats, he warmed up to the idea. Eventually, he even had a playful moment with me! Check out some of my favorite photos from Otis pet session below.
I’m Otis, a good boy!
I love food and I might sneak a nibble if I get the chance—just a friendly paws-up! Chasing a ball is one of my favourite ways to have fun; I could do it all day long! When I’m winding down, nothing beats cuddling with my family. It’s the best way to relax and feel loved.

Some interesting facts about Sprockers’s
~A Sprocker is a cross between an English springer spaniel and a Cocker spaniel. The cross arose when gamekeepers wanted to create a new resilient, robust, hardworking gundog.
~Sprockers have such a fantastic sense of humour, which means they often find themselves getting into a bit of mischief! They absolutely love playing interactive games, and with their energy and enthusiasm, they really need a lot of mental stimulation to stay happy. That’s why they’re a perfect match for people who enjoy an active, outdoor lifestyle!
Sprockets have such lovely coats! Their wavy texture and medium length not only keep them warm but also give them a charming appearance. You’ll find them in various colours, from rich chocolate to striking black and white, warm brown and white, and even solid colours. Many of these adorable pups blend different shades, creating a unique and eye-catching look that’s hard to resist! The variety of colours truly adds to the individuality of each Sprocker, making every one of them special in their own way.!